Saturday, 23 November 2013

Feeling 22

I've had a great week - my mum visited, I had a wonderful birthday dinner and lots of sunshine. Now it's time to make friends with the library again. I really need to make a start on my long essays as well as plan my final project and do lots of writing to earn a bit of money.

Today was absolutely gorgeous. This is the view from Waverley bridge right after I took my mum to the Airlink. Edinburgh morning light is beautiful.

I'm materially a very happy girl right now since I got the loveliest birthday presents including lots of cosy jumpers, workout clothes, amazing smelling skincare products and a pretty neat lunchbox. But since there's obviously always more to buy - these are some of the things that I've had my eye on for a while now and might invest in in the near future. Fairtrade Honey shampoo and Rose Jam shower gel from Lush (there's nothing that smells better than a shower with Lush), a Herschel Retreat backpack in rust, Field Notes (for, well, field notes), and these great boots from Shellys London which I first spotted (and fell in love with) here. I guess we'll see how long it will take until I'll give in - my bank balance sure hopes it won't be too soon.

Sunday, 10 November 2013


I figured it was time to get a grown up bag (all bags I own are either small vintage handbags, big college style leather bags or backpacks) and I found this in a charity shop. It's got a shoulder strap, enough space for books and bananas and it is fairly pretty too. I think I quite like it. 

Carrot cake oatmeal - microwave shredded carrots with honey and cinnamon (lots of it) for a few minutes, then add oats, water and possibly more cinnamon and microwave until nicely cooked and very delicious. Add nuts and all the fun stuff from your cupboard. 

Spending 60 pounds on these Topshop chelsea boots was definitely worth it. I love them dearly and wear them almost every single day. 

Good morning sunshine.

Saturday, 9 November 2013

Almonds are the new black

They really do go with everything. Plus, almonds are said to decrease your risk of heart disease, lower the rise in blood sugar and insulin after you eat and help your brain work - basically the perfect excuse to mix them into every single meal.

Hello Glasgow

Glasgow Necropolis ist ein ziemlich großer, atmosphärischer, viktorianischer Friedhofsügel - und ohne Zweifel die perfekte Kulisse für eine Horrorfilmverfolgungsjagd inklusive Verstecken hinter Grabsteinen. Oder auch: ein bisschen so wie Venedigs Friedhofsinsel, aber in grau und gruselig und von Regenwasser umgeben.

Sunday, 3 November 2013

November plans

• Start keeping a proper notebook.
• Read at least one book a week. Course readings don't count.
• Also, read one book in Romanian.
• Try to go to yoga class twice a week.
• Play tennis once a week (even if it's freezing). And do (silly) cardio.
• Plan meals in advance, and learn to cook something new every week. 
• Be responsible about money (+ less of an impulsive buyer).
• Take my small camera with me wherever I go (and try to take at least one photo a day).
• Mehr auf deutsch schreiben. Das kann doch wirklich nicht so schwierig sein.
• Be good about my essays and deadlines and course work. 

All of this is inevitably connected to my last bullet point:

• Turn 22.

I try not to think too much about everything I haven't seen or experienced yet, and try to focus on making the most out of life as it comes instead. After all, we're pretty lucky to be alive.