Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Goodbye 2013

I haven't been writing anything lately - I guess no matter how much you love doing something, sometimes you just need a little break. To balance this out, I've remembered how much I like arts and crafts (a lot) and how pretty the paper in my favourite art supplies store in my hometown is (very pretty). So I've started this silly little project and even made a tumblr for it, which you can access here should you want to do so. Meet the Pick-Up Theorist. I've made up plenty philosophical pick-up lines, so there's certainly more content coming. Don't you worry.

I'm usually big on reviewing the past year, but for some reason, I don't really feel like doing this for 2013. It was a pretty good year with lots of highs and lows though, and I liked it because I got to do some serious character development, made my CV look pretty lush and also learn quite a bit about people and life in general. So bring it on, 2014. 

Monday, 16 December 2013

Instant Crush Winter Fabrics

I finally finished all my essays and the exam. During this last month I've written approximately 21,000 words altogether, essays and job combined. While this is certainly a pretty good number, I'm fairly relieved to not HAVE to write much for the next month. I certainly hope that I will be writing lots and lots though. And reading. And thinking. And planning. I've had the nicest semester with amazing people, and I can't wait to be back in Edinburgh in 2014, but for now I'm happy to be back in Germany for a bit. 

My family moved house, and it's strange to not have my old room anymore, or any room which is properly mine for that matter. But it's a good feeling too. After all, I have become some kind of very familiar visitor here, and while my teenage years have obviously made me who I am today, I'm all about the future really. And Edinburgh is an excellent place to launch the future from. But this is a good place to come back to.
Anyway, these are my favourite winter fabrics - red velvet and glittery embroidery are the best ways to celebrate the cosiest month of the year.

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Who said it, Noam Chomsky or Kanye West?

"My child-like creativity, purity and honesty is honestly being crowded by these grown thoughts/Reality is catching up with me, taking my inner child I'm fighting for custody." 

"I'm speaking of the kind of creativity that any child demonstrates when he's able to come to grips with a new situation: to describe it properly, react to it properly, tell one something about it, think about it in a new fashion for him and so on."

Obviously, Michel Foucault disagrees either way.

Sunday, 1 December 2013

Please don't go, I'll eat you whole I love you so

My life right now revolves around academia and food - more specifically: post-it notes, library fines, word count angst, packed lunches, dinner breaks, theory testing and late night gym trips. I've got one week left to write two 4000 word essays, which I don't mind too much since there are worse things than spending all day every day writing and thinking. The thought of so many ideally very meaningful sentences is still a bit unsettling though. 

Packed lunches are pretty good, but they do involve a bit of planning and I need to get better at that to avoid impulsive panini and cookie buys. This is a whole wheat pasta salad with a mayonnaise-mustard-olive-oil-dressing, roasted pepper, potatoes and kale. 

I just made these this morning, and they were amazing. I'm trying to become a more effective snacker, and these cookies only have two ingredients - eggs and bananas, plus any additional fun ingredients really. I added coconut and chopped almonds because that's all I had available, but I need to get some dates (haha) and cranberries or blueberries for next time. You can find the recipe here. I might or might not have finished all of them already.